Wheelchairs are one of the inevitable mobility devices for mobility handicapped individuals, a luxury of mobility option. Electric power wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs are the most sought after models of wheelchairs with advantages and drawbacks.
Breaking the Ice with Manual Wheelchairs
The user or caregiver operates manual wheelchairs by hand. They require strength and coordination to push and are less expensive than electric chairs, a potential benefit to some. They would be for a person with usable upper body or strength or prefers to go around in a light, easy-to-maneuver device. Because it is simple to operate, it’s reliable and simple to repair without recharging it, a benefit to some.
Advantages of Manual Wheelchairs
Economical: The manual wheelchair is relatively cheaper in price than a power wheelchair, and thus can easily be afforded by the economically backward. This is among the biggest pluses of a manual wheelchair for a person who needs a wheelchair for a short time duration or can afford it on modest means.
Reliability: Motor-free and battery-free manual wheelchairs are less demanding and easier to repair than power wheelchairs. Because they are less complex in design, there are fewer components that can malfunction.
Storage and Mobility: They are lighter and less cumbersome to fold up and store space-wise than power wheelchairs and less annoying to tow, gliding easily into tight storage spaces.
Physical Exercise: Physically able users can utilize manual wheelchairs as physical exercise. User effort in pushing the manual wheelchair will most likely cause cardiovascular exercise along with muscle tone generation.
Ease of Use: Manual wheelchairs are simple to use for physically capable users and might be simpler to learn with for most users.
Disadvantages of Manual Wheelchairs
Physical Effort: A great deal of upper body strength and balance will be needed to propel a manual wheelchair, something many people cannot manage. Your shoulders will ache with daily use.
Limited Mobility: It is hard to propel manual wheelchairs over uneven ground, up hills, or long distances. It will also be hard to push up high curbs or navigate through a narrow corridor.
Need for Others: Others will require an aide to propel the chair forward, limiting independence. It is less preferable that most are aided.
Deficiency in Situations: Moving through congested public areas would be more difficult with a manual chair, and steep curbs and narrow doorways would be obstacles.
Understanding Electric Power Wheelchairs
Power wheelchairs, or electric power wheelchairs, are powered wheelchairs that are battery-operated and are operated by people who lack the motor skill or cardiovascular capacity to propel a wheelchair on their own. They provide independence and mobility because they give powered mobility using a joystick or other control device. They are used inside and outside the home and for people who need an assistance mobility device throughout the day.
Benefits of Electric Power Wheelchairs
Greater Mobility: Electric power wheelchairs give patients with mobility impairments more independence. Simple to move around with a joystick movement or a button click by the patient, without depending on another person.
Easy Access: An electric power wheelchair is easy to use, especially to individuals who are unable to push a manual wheelchair. Simple maneuverability with joystick control makes it easy.
Greater Distance: Electric wheelchairs make more journeys before the user will be able to exhaust. Others are designed to travel a distance of as much as 18 miles when the batteries are fully charged. That is several times a day in order to go and utilize.
Versatility: Most electric power wheelchairs are indoor and outdoor, hence allowing people to travel through different topographies with ease. Capacities such as over one drivetrain facilitate the accommodation of different environments.
Comfort and Support: Many electric power wheelchairs have adjustable seating features, such as reclining backrests and leg lifts. This can be priceless to allow maximum comfort, especially for those who spend hours in their chair.
Personalization: Electric power wheelchairs also have personalization options and accessories to further aid them in becoming convenient and comfortable.
Smart Features: Advanced electric power wheelchairs such as the Super Pi Model P2 have smart features such as a lightweight body constructed of carbon fiber, intelligent controls, and swinging armrests in an effort to make the experience significantly improved, particularly in terms of mobility.
Cons of Electric Power Wheelchairs
More Expensive: Power motor wheelchairs are expensive since they consume power from motors compared to human power. They are extremely expensive as a one-time investment. Replacing the battery and maintenance would also be extremely expensive.
Shorter Battery Life: The majority of unwanted is the consumption of batteries. The battery would have to be recharged at intervals, and this would reduce mobility where there is no place for the recharging of them.
Maintenance: They are more maintenance-driven compared to manual counterparts, i.e., routine checking of batteries, motors, and electrical equipment.
Weight and Transport: Electric power wheelchairs are heavier and more cumbersome to transport than manual wheelchairs. Although some can be folded, otherwise they are less easy to transport.
Learning Curve: It might take patience and time for some to get used to the wheelchair, e.g., a joystick.
Heavy: Electric power wheelchairs weigh more and carry a wider turn radius than riding a manual wheelchair.
Important Considerations Between Electric Power Wheelchairs and Manual Wheelchairs
There needs to be serious deliberation of important considerations prior to decision-making between an electric power wheelchair and a manual wheelchair in order to make the right choice. Cost, physical ability of the user, living situation, and way of life need to be taken into consideration. Health professionals, e.g., doctors or physical therapists, can also give helpful information and advice.
Physical Condition
Assess the physical capability of the user, i.e., coordination, arm strength, and disease that would make it difficult for the user to use a wheelchair. If the user lacks strong arms or proper coordination, then an electric power wheelchair would suit. Weight and height must be assessed so that the wheelchair has the right capacity and size so that it could be used comfortably and safely.
Living Environment
Evaluate the user’s house living environment and home adaptability. Look at door opening width, access to stair or ramp, and general household layout. If the user will have to navigate through the narrow halls of the home, a mid-wheel drive power electric chair would be best.
Take into consideration the lifestyle of the user as to how the user will be utilizing the wheelchair. If the wheelchair is only required from time to time or for traveling daily, then a foldable light manual wheelchair would be ideal. But for a user who will be utilizing a mobility unit intensely daily, an electric power wheelchair would be more autonomous and more convenient.
Think about the cost implications of each type of wheelchair. Manual wheelchairs are cheap, but power electric wheelchairs can be the ultimate benefits to patients with complex mobility impairment. Think about repair, maintenance, and even battery replacement in your overall calculation.
For travelers, a travel wheelchair that is specifically light is a necessity. Some manual and even electric wheelchairs can be modified for use in traveling. Some travel wheelchairs like the Super Pi Model P2 Electric Wheelchair are especially meant for travel with a light carbon fiber frame.
Using an electric power wheelchair or traveling with a manual one is a decision based on a multitude of personal factors. Manual wheelchairs are inexpensive and convenient, but power wheelchairs are independent and convenient. With the highest level of respect for personal wants, needs, and limitations, the best can be selected to maximize mobility and quality of life in general. Browse through different models on the market, such as the Super Pi Model P2 Electric Wheelchair, to make the well-informed decision and maximize mobility and comfort. Always refer to a health professional for personalized guidance.